Monday, December 31, 2012

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Toys Review

Nickelodeon's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Toys Review

Nickelodeon sent me some cool Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle items for review.  Yes, Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo and Raphael are still kicking shells and taking names!  The TMNT still live on to fight evil and eat pizza!  Who doesn't love pizza-munching, fun-loving, reptilian-ninjas?  Yep turtles are reptiles - I thought they were amphibians, but I googled it to find I was incorrect.  Don't ya just love Google?  Yeah, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles duuuuude!

Okay, enough wit for now, back to the info you want! In the package I received, there were 2 action figures, Kraang and Leonardo, and also Donatello's Ninja Combat Gear which included one Bo Staff, one Turtle Bandana and two Throwing Stars.  Kraang, of course, is NOT a TMNT!  The Kraang Alien, in Exosuit, Basic Action Figure represents one of the terrible and forbidding
Extra-Dimensional Enemies of Earth. Don't be scared - the turtles have it covered!

These items are still crazy collectible and highly sought after items. from the action figures to the combat gear sets.  I looked around online and the places like and have very limited supplies of these toys and they range in price from anywhere between $10 and $30.  I was impressed with the long lasting appeal held by them.  Nickelodeon really knows how to create memorable personalities for their audience, whether young or old!  This was a relief, since I was gifting them to my 3 grandsons, ranging in age from 7 to 13.  

I had no worries about the youngest boy, Hunter, enjoying them - but his older brother Shane, is a bit picky about his toys and pretty mature for his age (at least when it comes to taste in toys).  As for Kyle, the teen, who ever knows what a teen will like, other than money?  I need not have given it a second thought at all!  All three boys had a blast with these!  The eyes on the mask were a wee bit narrow, but that didn't stop them from enjoying it.  Hunter didn't want to put the stick together - why have just one, when you can have one for each hand!  That was his philosophy, and who am I to argue with such logic? The throwing stars, Kyle decided, were better suited to spinning as fast as he could.  I sure didn't argue since I have a rule that nothing is to be thrown inside the house!  Shane's favorite was the action figures, which are poseable and sturdy - good thing since he had them landing some stupendous kicks on each other!

Look at these pictures below of what a great time they each had with these toys!  They always ask me for video games and hot wheels and model cars --- maybe now they have discovered something new they really enjoy.  It sure looks like it to me!

Here's Kyle, the feisty one and the oldest:

And Shane, the super-sweet but picky, middle child:

(okay I don't know what happened to chop off my photos but he was really having a blast with the two action figures!  He had those guys going at it - so fun to watch his enthusiasm!

And, of course, Hunter - the youngest, rowdiest, funniest one:

Now that is some fun!  Get your kids to put down those video games for a while and use their imaginations.  Get on the floor and interact with them, put on a mask for a bit and be Donatello! Imagination is key to a child's development and opens a world of possibilities up to them!  

Thanks Nickelodeon for offering such great products that appeal to many ages and provide great fun for the family!

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